==== ANSI Codes ====
some [[https://www.lihaoyi.com/post/BuildyourownCommandLinewithANSIescapecodes.html|examples]] and [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#CSI_codes|reference]]
====8 Colours====
* Black: ''\u001b[30m''
* Red: ''\u001b[31m''
* Green: ''\u001b[32m''
* Yellow: ''\u001b[33m''
* Blue: ''\u001b[34m''
* Magenta: ''\u001b[35m''
* Cyan: ''\u001b[36m''
* White: ''\u001b[37m''
* Reset: ''\u001b[0m''
====16 Colours====
"bright" or "bold" colours, mirroring the normal colours, with an additional '';1''
* Bright Black: \u001b[30;1m
* Bright Red: \u001b[31;1m
* Bright Green: \u001b[32;1m
* Bright Yellow: \u001b[33;1m
* Bright Blue: \u001b[34;1m
* Bright Magenta: \u001b[35;1m
* Bright Cyan: \u001b[36;1m
* Bright White: \u001b[37;1m
* Reset: \u001b[0m
====256 Colours====
256 colour extended set of the form ''\u001b[38;5;${ID}m'' (with [[https://jonasjacek.github.io/colors/|reference]])
====Background Colours====
* Background Black: \u001b[40m
* Background Red: \u001b[41m
* Background Green: \u001b[42m
* Background Yellow: \u001b[43m
* Background Blue: \u001b[44m
* Background Magenta: \u001b[45m
* Background Cyan: \u001b[46m
* Background White: \u001b[47m
bright versions being:
* Background Bright Black: \u001b[40;1m
* Background Bright Red: \u001b[41;1m
* Background Bright Green: \u001b[42;1m
* Background Bright Yellow: \u001b[43;1m
* Background Bright Blue: \u001b[44;1m
* Background Bright Magenta: \u001b[45;1m
* Background Bright Cyan: \u001b[46;1m
* Background Bright White: \u001b[47;1m
...and reset
* Reset: \u001b[0m
* Bold: \u001b[1m
* Underline: \u001b[4m
* Reversed: \u001b[7m
====Cursor movement====
* Up: \u001b[{n}A
* Down: \u001b[{n}B
* Right: \u001b[{n}C
* Left: \u001b[{n}D
* Clear Screen: \u001b[{n}J clears the screen
* n=0 clears from cursor until end of screen,
* n=1 clears from cursor to beginning of screen
* n=2 clears entire screen
* Clear Line: \u001b[{n}K clears the current line
* n=0 clears from cursor to end of line
* n=1 clears from cursor to start of line
* n=2 clears entire line