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Quotes from Karen Verschooren:

Heidegger: ‘the fundamental phenomenon of time is the future – everything changes toward the future and constitutes it.’ (…) To be human is to seek to be directive of change. The essence of this action is prefiguration; it is design.’- Tony Fry in Becoming Human by Design p.112

“The future is simply a landscape defined by two natural (and non-temporal) boundaries. One separates the currently infeasible from the feasible, and the other separates the normalized from the un-normalized. The Field is manufactures out of the feasible-and-normalized. We call it the present (…).” – Welcome to the Future Nauseous

“The limitations of models of the future lie in their partiality. (…). Whatever the nature of the model, it can only be a subset of the entire set that makes up the future and that entire set cannot be determined. (…). Given the foregoing, what reliance can be placed on models of the future? A quick response could be ‘none’, but that would be too harsh a judgement. It is better to regard models of the future as idea or possibility machines (Shackle 1952), capable of challenging or breaking established perspectives and modes of thought.” Foresight: The Art and Science of Anticipating the Future, p.33

‘The idea that we can disassociate one aspect from another aspect is an illusion. It’s an illusion of a 17th-century Enlightenment model (…) if we isolate it, we can deal with it in an effective way. (…). Now, what is becoming apparent in the world we’re living in, is that in vitro modelling of the world isn’t able to cope with the complexity, i.e. the externalities all those models are generating.’ Indy Johar in Future Practice: Conversations from the edge of Architecture, p. 49

“In these criticisms [of our ability to foresee the future] there is a tacit assumption that being able to predict the future accurately is the only useful kind of conversation about the future. (…). However, consumer electronic brands trying to compete in a new market are attempting to play a role in the future of that market. And in this case, it is not correctly predicting the market that is important, it is shaping it so that you can lead. (…). When there is a chance of agency in the future, then there is value in talking about it other than to predict it precisely.’ - Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow: a modest defence of futurology.

“IFTF brings people together to make the future—today. Whether you’re a strategic leader in a large organization or a community leader in a struggling neighborhood or a netizen who wants to mobilize global crowds, we have practical tools, research, and programs that turn foresight into the critical new insights that ultimately lead to action.” – Institute for the Future

“We shape a better world” – ARUP

“As new design fictions come flickering across our screens, we need to judge them not just in terms of the appeal of plausibility of their story-telling, but in terms of the quality of their thinking.” – Anne-Marie Willis.

‘there is a strong prospect that tribalism, as a coming together to constitute identities and action motivated by a will to survive, will be a crucial futuring factor for hundreds of millions of people. Clearly, they can take benign or aggressive forms. (…). More than just local groupings, regional tribal formations could well work together strategically to reconstruct some kind of civil society.’ ‘With the demise of the viability of the nation-state, a reversion to ‘societies without a state’ may take place. (…) this is not the end of the political, for whenever social innovation takes place (and with it a reconfiguration of power), so also does the political re-emerge.’ (…) The exercise of imagination can serve to prefigure how such a political situation might be engaged.’ - Tony Fry in Becoming Human by Design, p.202-203

‘Sustainment is the essence of futural worlding wherein a viable relation between ‘the world’ and ‘(our) world’ is made possible, but simply making an appeal to it delivers nothing. It is essential to grasp what is needed to turn the idea of Sustainment, as a project and process, into a praxis.’ – Tony Fry in Becoming Human by Design, p.142

‘Sustainment does not give a damn how we live or act, so long as it makes time.’ – Tony Fry in Becoming Human by Design, p.158

“The promise of the sentient city does the same for us, producing consensus that we are all players, ready to take advantage of the action, just like the traders once we have enough technology. But just as those traders are increasingly ephemeral (…) so too the new city threatens that we will become ghosts, like the last inhabitants of Venice.” - Kazys Varnelis in Sentient City. Ubiquitous computing, architecture, and the future of urban space, p.201

“(…), the Internet of Things will bring about rich experiences for many of us in the overdeveloped world, but it will also make very small number of people unjustly wealthy.” – Trebor Scholz in Sentient City. Ubiquitous computing, architecture, and the future of urban space, p.211

‘According to [Indy] Johar, the most critical narrative today is the shift from the command-and-control approach of the industrial age to the distributed, shared, intelligent and networked ecosystems of the information age. This is (…) simply the way things will be organised in the very near future.’ – Rory Hyde in Future Practice, p.43

“Design (…) is a conscious practice, and we should feel guilty if we are unconscious of the impacts that we are having. (…). We have the capacity to make things compelling; what should we use that for?” – Bruce Mau in Future Practice: Conversations from the edge of Architecture, p. 35

‘Design is about imagining the future and systematically working to execute that future. (…). So if you think about design as leadership methodology, it goes back to your earlier question, ‘Should we feel guilty if we are unconscious?’ Yeah actually, because you have a leadership role and you have to accept the responsibility of leadership and exercise that responsibility in order to contribute the most.’ – Bruce Mau in Future Practice: Conversations from the edge of Architecture, p. 35-36

‘The role of architects is huge, but it’s about place-making as opposed to the design of a physical product.’ Indy Johar in Future Practice: Conversations from the edge of Architecture, p. 50

‘(…) that brings us to the real design as politics question. If you really want to change the city, (…), then it would require engaging with things like public planning, government, large-scale institutionalised developers. I think that’s where the real struggles lie. (…). I do believe that architecture and design as a combination of pure speculation, rhetorical poetics and technical capacity could play a role in politics. It could reshape certain discussions and therefore create its own inevitability.’ Wouter Vanstiphout in Future Practice: Conversations from the edge of Architecture, p. 96-97

‘I don’t think architects have to shed their visionary status, their ‘good’ arrogance, or their speculative powers, if only they would realise that things are contextual. (…) So there are ways to really use architecture to change, to give a real alternative, to have a real effect, to be visionary.’ – Wouter Vanstiphout in Future Practice: Conversations from the edge of Architecture, p.100

“How can small objects speak of much bigger things? We’re using these props as catalysts for the visitor’s imagination.” – Fiona Raby in Are nuclear trains and cars made of skin? The future of Travel? By Oliver Wainwright, April 30, 2013, The Guardian.

“We are very suspicious of the idea that designers should think on behalf of people (…). Historically there has always been the master architect or designer, showing us what the world should be. But we see our role as sparking thinking about the future.” – Anthony Dunne in Are nuclear trains and cars made of skin? The future of Travel? By Oliver Wainwright, April 30, 2013, The Guardian.

“TTT is about imagining alternative futures” - Liam Young in Future Practice: Conversations from the edge of Architecture, p. 231

“at the core we are interested in the roles of futures and fiction to pose questions, not just to find solutions to problems, but to identify new spaces for operation. They are narrative scenarios, positioned in such a way that the audience can develop an emotional and critical response to them, rather than just dealing with ideas in an abstract way. It’s all about prototyping culture, and prototyping new rules, not predicting the future.” - Liam Young in Future Practice: Conversations from the edge of Architecture, pp.230-231

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  • Last modified: 2014-07-30 09:17
  • by maja