Maja Kuzmanovic
As a generalist, founder and principal invigorator of FoAM, I prototype futures as creative experiments, design multisensory experiences, facilitate participatory processes, write, speak and cook worldwide. I use the libarynth as my sketchbook, research notebook and field guide, as well as an evolving archive of personal and collective endeavours.

I'm the co-editor of several FoAM activities on the libarynth:
- Splinterfields and x-med-k workshops
My publications on the libarynth, in various stages of completion:
Transcriptions of lectures on the libarynth:
- FoAM at A-Z, 2014
- FoAM at ICT Art Connect, 2014
- Improving Realities, 2013
- Stories within stories, 2007
- Beauty of collaboration, 2004
- Time based space, 2000
I collect reading notes, lecture notes and various tangents on the libarynth as well. See recent changes for my latest edits.
Elsewhere: @ FoAM, on tumblr, flickr, Academia, Medium, twitter and facebook.