Documentation and dissemination
working notes - 2010
- Social network for the greater guild –
- Wiki / Blogs for the immediate projects
Partner Organisations
All – formal partner organisations would be partnered, but all organisations would be encouraged and invited to participate
Formally to the end of EU Funding and final reporting Informally – sites should be sustainable on a minimal budget after EU funding ends.
Used as archiving and development tool for all partner projects Specific focus on more public content which is useful and retrievable for general public.
Specific web based projects: Stories of resilience and Resilients Handbook – maintained as continuing documents online to have printed output and standard e-book output – but also as wiki content
Immediate Discussion and Questions:
- Why a wiki?
- collaborative
- allows for varying structures
- interpenetrative
- doesn't deny the presence of other tech (eg forums and blogs)
- Is needing money the catch?
- Should this project be established regardless of immediate funding opportunities?
- Tactics for non-techheads?
- This is not the only way to participate in the guild
- Can we present technology learning as part of our intergenerational approach?
- Is technology access a problem we're trying to solve within the metrobiopolis?
- Video and other media – of course
- Licensing
- CC Attribution No $ by default
- Clear, easy to change options
- Connections versus Dissemination – balance of importance
- It should be able to link and syndicate and aggregate with existing networks
- Tech solutions?
- Social network? - Crabgrass?
- Prototyping with Blaine's technology?
- Mediawiki or for wiki element
- blogs for chronological updates – Wordpress?
- How do non-digital things get archived?