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27 Nov 2006

some body-size related soapbubbles, always nice to mess around with, especially for professors

l3g.jpg 2_men_in_a_bubble.jpg
The magic of soap bubbles: Dr Cyril Isenberg: Two asian experts in a bubble

longestbub.jpg page70_1.jpg;
David Stein holds the official Guinness Book of Records mark for the longest bubble (50 feet x 2 feet in diameter using his own patented invention The Bubble Thing), and you can create long bubbles like this in your own backyard.

Models in a rainbow bubble

more inflable sections: Experience Inflatables - Powered by Wind - Parasite Inflatables - When Nature Inflates - Environmental Blendings - Hardened Bubbles - Inflatable Spaces - Inflatable Sound - Interactive Inflatables - Inflatable Wearables - The Non Categorized Inflatables - Lighter than Air - NASA Inflatables

or go back: Cocky Eek

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  • Last modified: 2008-02-16 14:25
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