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vm_mac [2024-12-09 09:39] – [mac emulation] nikvm_mac [2024-12-09 09:46] (current) nik
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 === macoS host==== === macoS host====
-QEMU https://www.qemu.org/ +  * QEMU https://www.qemu.org/ 
-UTM https://github.com/utmapp/UTM +  UTM https://github.com/utmapp/UTM 
-MSG (Mac Subsystem for Guix) https://pagure.io/group/MSG +  MSG (Mac Subsystem for Guix) https://pagure.io/group/MSG 
 ==== mac emulation ==== ==== mac emulation ====
-  * pre osX (e.g. [[macos8|Mac OS 8]]+  * pre osX (e.g. [[macos8|Mac OS 8]]) systems & software
     * https://sheepshaver.cebix.net/     * https://sheepshaver.cebix.net/
 +    * https://macintoshgarden.org/
 +    * https://infinitemac.org/
   * [[macos|Mac OSX]] 10 -> 11   * [[macos|Mac OSX]] 10 -> 11
   * macOS (post osx)    * macOS (post osx) 
 +==== other & (un)related ==== 
 +  * see [[scheme_machine]]
  • vm_mac.1733737171.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024-12-09 09:39
  • by nik