17 July: leon the historian
- Halogi - Halloy: “Little forest” first mentioned in 850ad, but existing since the times of the celts (BC) * roman foundations found around the place, including a roman oven with goddess diana burried in the ashes
- one of the first registered wars was the '1 cow war that lasted 12 years'
- for centuries the castle was the summer residence of the prince of Liege
- Omalius
- the geologist and his discovery of the 'cretatious' stratum ( the period between the last large dinosaurs and the beginning of flowering plants)
- the local broadminded scientist being religious, but also a supporter of the beginning theories of evolution
- as a polititian reformed the school system and included girls education up to 12 years
- as a doctor, he founded preventive medicine in the region (vaccination against pox)
- as a scholar set up a massive library in the castle
- died as an old savant (92 yrs old) in brussels studying local geological strata (can his age be attributed to drinking excellent local beer?)
- after he died and his daughter married, her children fought over the division of the property and over 2 centuries brought the castle to a near ruin. some of these descendents were named 'socialist barons' for their policies in the 1920ies when the regions was politically progressive left.
- the appearance of the train-line caused a massive move of the local people from Halloy to Braibant
- in the 2nd WW, Margareta from Ieper (born of a secret love between a Flemish woman and a Brittish officer during the 1st WW), working for the Belgian secret service (resistance) was parachuted and dropped over a grass field close to the chateau to seek a noble man who turned out to be prince Charles of Belgium, with whom she spent several weeks having romantic walks in the forest
- local gastronomy:
- carbonades flamandes (???)
- patate (from hungary!!?)
Leon's presentation was interesting to discover a certain (true/false) history that has changed the group's perception of the site
17-20 July: Movies that we watched in the off hours:
- Cypher
- Resurrection of the little match girl
- (Flip's martial arts parody)
- St John's Wort
17 july: the drifts (psychogeographic walks)
- looking for absurd stuff
- contrast nature/human built structures (based on control)
- light and darkness
- schrijvertjes (surfing community of bugs on water) - interesting patterns of movement
- bridge over the water
- spiky plant
- ferns growing out of a wall
- tar smeared over plants to stop them growing through the road
- iron wire through the branches
- mushrooms as a dwarf village
- contrast between dead and alive, idillic landscape with cows + barbed wire
- a shadow play of branches on a canoe
- experiences of near death (a dying fish in the pond)
- human built objects embedded in nature
- riven-line environment
- electrical lines
- moist wall inside tunnels
- plants growing from a cracked wall
- a sole branch as a separate entity floating in space
- strange plant movements
- “scanning” the environment in a limited way, looking at them as close-up surfaces, without figurative reference points
- mediaeval feel of neglected garden furniture
- overgrown paths
- trees joined up with iron cables, with ivy drying up in contact with them
- pointless bridges over dried up creek
- strange formations of stones around the place
- spider-webs with properties of a glass surface
- waiting in vain for the dwarves around mushrooms
- natural corridors made out of trees
- organic shapes with rigid geometric structures (leaves)
- branches growing on/in the water
- long paths, corridors and tunnels through the forest
- geometric patterns in fallen branches, forming beams with an abstract and complex structure
- strange sized holes in the ground
- vampire nails in beam structure of the barbecue place
- flies everywhere (on cows, horses, people, plants and dead things (mouse, mushrooms)
- waiting for the inhabitants living in human scale dwarf houses
- can beer cans be contemporary mobile homes for dwarves?
- dallas everywhere!
- undulating lines through a wheat field, with mushrooms as landing platforms for dwarves or aliens
- exercises in being a tripod
- death everywhere (dead field mouse with green flies grazing on it)
- miniature gothic church brown by trees
- cows behind fences
- ancient and massive chestnut trees
- discovery of the dwarves wearing stars
- forest ends in fences
- private property warnings
- a seductive dance of leaf-shadows and a neighbouring tree-trunk
- a tree that dreams of being a fence
- DD (designer dwarf) mushroom houses
- fences
- bridge leading to a fence
- abstract signs in a forgotten language
- plants growing through cracks of human built environments
- 'prince charles frog'
17 July: participant's presentations
Pablo, Eric, Sara, Tom, Flip and Marta have talked about their expectations and wishes for the workshop, have shown previous work and described their working processes
18 july: things to take into consideration in the design:
- borders and fences
- frontiers and limits
- human control of nature (and vice versa)
- flies, insects, mushrooms and death
- green is the colour of death?
- green flies and surfing mosquitoes
- are things dead or alive depends on the scale
- structure of spider webs resembling nests/miniature houses
- mushrooms can be seen as drawf dwellings or holes for insects
- geometric patterns as abstractions of the environment:
- grassy fields
- a branch hanging in the air
- structures of trees, branches and leaves:
- casting shadows on the world around them
- encapsulating a path to form an infinite, intricate tunnel
- a straight, noisy, infinite train-line
- insects (ticks, flies, water-walkers)
- different viewpoints on the world: snails, insect swarms, growing plant
- entanglement of:
- natural and artificial
- grown and built
- human and non-human structures
- straight and curved lines (based on their perception and intention)
18 july: workshop leader presentations
Julian: http://www.selectparks.net/ ; http://www.escapefromwoomera.org/ ; http://fijuu.com/ Maja, Nik, Lina: http://fo.am ; http://fo.am/tgarden/ ; http://fo.am/txoom ; http://fo.am/groworld ; http://fo.am/p~lot ; http://fo.am/illumine
19-20 july: blender
see: http://www.blender3d.org/cms/Tutorials.243.0.html for in depth tutorials
21 july: audacity, gimp, nebula
see: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ see: http://mmmaybe.gimp.org/tutorials/ for in depth tutorials see: Nebula Notes for quick overview of the relevant part of nebula for the MR media worlds workshop
22 july concept development
- what is the emotional temperature of the world?
- what is the scale of the world? - can you see its limits?
- no photorealistic modelling
- using movement, behaviour of objects and light from the physical world to animate transparent shapes and surfaces
- morphing between realistic/non realistic
- garden as a minefield of truths
- coming with an expectation, gathering information bits based on that expectation
- a gallery of images that one can choose from
- limiting the experience of the physical space
- finding out what is interesting to experience in the virtual world
- a world with constantly changing positions (as leon showed us, history is a relative phenomenon
- travelling through the space as travelling through the archives of historical information. the path becomes the re-interpretation of different elements that are constantly rearranging themselves
- an alive archive in which everyone passing through the chateau (both physical and virtual should place a new media element in the world, generating a large amount of paths through the 'truths'
- movement as a journey through different strata (metaphor for history); the movement needs the space to be manipulated (requires a large amount of energy)
- an archive (database) of memories in different media come to life in animated bitmaps
- every stratum is one person's experience, a three dimensional cube surrounded by other strata (needs an immersive projection system with at least 2 faces
- a dense space, filled with particles, moving from empty to full
- simplicity: a claustrofobic world made up from a swarm of particles
- when you stand still, the world shrinks and sticks to your skin (like a swarm of fireflies)
- when you move and increase the energy in the system, the world becomes sparser, lighter and more comfortable
- discovering things, being drawn to details, in an otherwise not too exciting surrounding. elements of wonder inside normalised reality
- the discovered objects are passages, new realities that you can discover through interaction
- light inside a tunnel can suck you into another space
- feeling of surprise and enchantment, seduced by the richness of the world underneath, behind…
- creating a fantastic world within the everyday reality, in a constant morph between reality and fiction
- a tunnel: environment in which i'm limited, i can only see inaccessible realities that are not immediately evident, a tunnel is constructed from the density of the forest that i can't go through
- feeling the navigation of insects under the floor - recognising the action only through its effects on the environment
- inviting, inaccessible realities
- the tunnel is created by different creatures passing through it. if the movement stops, the tunnel closes. the forest is continuously trying to take back its posession of the tunnel
- tunnel: an eco-system of invisible beings
- emotion: frustration, imagination
- finding your own scale in different dimensions, a cozy situation in an otherwise threatening environment
- coherence of infinite tunnels through a diversity of media
- no physical boundaries (walls)
- limits are changing atmosphere: border, connection
- walls as particle systems, movables, changing direction, becoming ceilings, floors, walls again
- changes remain until the next intervention
- the world is a representation of the site and history of the chateau seen through personal experiences of the group; translated into a virtual topology; reorganised reality, a dynamic trace
21 july: final consensus (full blown concept)
- a dense, infinite tunnel built out of tiny elements (particles). every particle of the tunnel is alive
- when the player scales the particles s/he can discover:
- bits of historical sediment
- flying insects
- visual and sonic seeds
- fully grown flora
- when the train passes in the physical world (should be detected by its sound), the world is temporarily washed away:
- the player looses control over the interaction with the world, the colours and objects disappear
- the space vibrates and its physical properties temporarily change
- the player can be teleported to another region of the tunnel
- increasing the energy in the system allows the player tokeep the environment from taking posession of the tunnel, as well as to move through different spaces and emotional temperatures
- the world responds differently depending on the amount of time spent in it. It moves from being unfriendly to friendly, or from interested to ignoring. the world is a forgetful place, so that after some time, it will treat a familiar player as a novice again
21 july: sensor systems and interaction with accelerometers
introduction to accelerometers, cerfs, OSC and OZ (foam's sensor data transmission and analysis system (in max)) real and pseudo sensors possible to use in the design:
- raw data (x,y or xyz)
- smoothed data/bias
- average over time
- leaky accumulator
- peak detection
- zero crossing
- delta/threshold
- energy levels (x,y,z)
- correlation
21 july: reality check: possible interactive output in fijuuu:
- mixing between forms
- manipulating textures
- changing the size of a form
- non-linear scaling
- rotating forms
- growing forms
- appearing and disappearing
- minimalising light position and light colour
- moving forms
- concluded with an introduction to tlc scripting in nebula
21-24 july: final compromise (minimal visualisation of the world)
- in fijuuu: a cave (one thick part of the tunnel) with:
- 1 interactive object in it (swarm of fireflies)
- 3 animated objects (historic sediment, visual seed, branch)
- rich texture visualising the idea of the tunnel being constructed out of media particles
- interaction consists of: (1) looking around the cave by rotating around 2 different axis of the accelerometer and (2) shattering the swarm of fireflies by using the 'leaky accumulator' (accumulating data across 3 axis with a small 'leakage')
- in blender: a richer visualisation of the tunnel, with lots more textured objects, moving lights and camera + an intro sequence of a dynamic map of the region of halloy
- in max: a passing train detector, to be treated as a sensor in fijuuu
- in after effects: compositing of the blender tunnel with a swarm of butterflies
- in the physical world: a semi-transparent screen placed in front of a tunnel, creating an illusion of depth, projection on different surfaces to create an additional texture (walls, stairs, grass, trees, corners, people…)
23 july
- programming the interaction
- alternative visualisation in blender, max and after effects
- feasibility check and evaluation of the process