Borrowed Scenery Fieldwork

Plants are responsive entities living in cities, but many of us rarely pay attention to their signals and responses. The principal patabotanist (Alchemilla L. Umiliata) and her assistant (Drukpa I. Konvulvul) have asked FoAM to help them to focus citizens' attention on this often overlooked layer in the urban landscape. They invite us to observe, learn and interact with plants as equally deserving city-dwellers. They need volunteers and research assistants to conduct fieldwork and labwork, in order to collect sufficient information for broadening the range of human-plant interactions and potential for human-plant entanglement.

Fieldwork tasks, based on permaculture principle "observe, then interact"

1. Observe plants in the city ("beauty is in the eye of the beholder)

What does a city look like from a vegetal perspective? Try this observation in 3 ways:

2. Collect (ethno)botanical data, to be used as raw material in patabotanical experiments

If possible upload your collections to

3. Interact / Experiment (ordered based on levels of complexity and (im)possibility)