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 +==== Maja Kuzmanovic ====
 +As a [[https://about.me/maja.kuzmanovic|generalist]], founder and principal invigorator of [[http://fo.am|FoAM]], I prototype futures as creative experiments, design multisensory experiences, facilitate participatory processes, write, speak and cook worldwide. I use the libarynth as my sketchbook, research notebook and field guide, as well as an evolving archive of personal and collective endeavours.
-==== Maja Kuzmanovic ====+I'm the co-editor of several FoAM activities on the libarynth: 
 +  * [[:/future_fabulators/start|Future Fabulators]] 
 +  * [[:/hosting/start|Hosting Community]] 
 +  * [[:/open_sauces/start|Open Sauces]] 
 +  * [[:/marine_colab/start|Marine CoLABoration]] 
 +  * [[Doing Nothing]] 
 +  * [[:/resilients/start|Resilients]] 
 +  * [[:/parn/start|Physical and Alternate Reality Narratives]] 
 +  * [[Hosting Craft]] 
 +  * [[:/luminous/start|Luminous Green]] 
 +  * [[:/f15/start|15 years of FoAM]] 
 +  * [[Splinterfields]] and [[xmedk_workshop|x-med-k]] workshops 
 +  * [[project_trg|Transient Reality Generators]] 
 +  * [[project_txoom|txOom]] 
 +My publications on the libarynth, in various stages of completion: 
 +  * [[Transiency Maja Kuzmanovic]] 
 +  * [[Enacting Futures in Postnormal Times]]  
 +  * [[:/future_fabulators/making_things_physical|Making things physical]] 
 +  * [[:/futurist_fieldguide/start|Futurist Fieldguide]] 
 +  * [[foam_newsletter|FoAM Newsletters]] 
 +  * [[Groworld Vegetal Culture]] 
 +  * [[Groworld HPI]] and [[Groworld HPI II]] 
 +  * [[prehearsal pocket guide]] 
 +  * [[:/future_fabulators/prehearsing_the_future|Prehearsing the future]] 
 +  * [[:/parn/alternate_reality_tutorials|Alternate Reality Tutorials]] 
 +  * [[:/parn/borrowed_scenery_cultivating_an_alternate_reality|Borrowed Scenery: Cultivating an Alternate Reality]] 
 +  * [[luminous_green_mediated_environments|Luminous Green]] 
 +  * [[/open_sauces/eat_cook_grow|Open Sauces interview]] and [[open_sauces_book|Open Sauces book]] 
 +  * [[:/luminous/barefoot_travellogue|Barefoot Travelogue]] 
 +  * [[Openspace and openlabs|Open-ended processes, open space technologies and open laboratories]] 
 +  * [[transient_realities_or_verges_of_con-fusion|Transient realities or verges of con-fusion]] 
 +  * [[Fashion Ecologies]] 
 +  * [[formalising_operational_adaptive_methodologies|FoAM]] 
 +  * [[From Representation to Performance]] 
 +  * [[Multiple Translations Entangled Aphasia]] 
 +  * [[improvements in a subsequent release]] 
 +  * [[Goto0 story]] 
 +  * [[Cracks story]] 
 +  * [[Sponge story]] 
 +  * [[Twilight trance story]] 
 +  * [[Light world story]] 
 +  * [[plot_world_context|p~lot story]] 
 +  * [[Hippodrome story]] 
 +  * [[Bizar story]] 
 +  * [[Proteus story]] 
 +  * [[Groworld story]] 
 +Transcriptions of lectures on the libarynth: 
 +  * [[future_fabulators/foam_az_lecture|FoAM at A-Z]], 2014 
 +  * [[foam_at_ict_art_connect|FoAM at ICT Art Connect]], 2014 
 +  * [[Improving Realities]], 2013 
 +  * [[mmmm|Magic, mistakes and the multitude of the matter]], 2013 
 +  * [[/open_sauces/open_sauces_makina|Open Sauces 2011]] and [[beltain_02|Open Sauces 2012]] 
 +  * [[grig_closing_speech|Closing speech of the Guild for Reality Integrators and Generators]], 2009 
 +  * [[davos_stories|Stories within stories]], 2007 
 +  * [[beauty_of_collaboration|Beauty of collaboration]], 2004 
 +  * [[time_based_space|Time based space]], 2000 
 +I collect [[reading notes]], [[lecture notes]] and various tangents on the libarynth as well. See [[/start?do=recent|recent changes]] for my latest edits.
-"Sand, for example, has a degree of fluidity; the shape of the grains necessarily forms interstices which are occupied by water; those of the water are occupied by air; those of the air are occupied by what is called ether; finally, those of the ether are filled up by a substance even more fluid, for which no name has been determined."+----
 +Elsewhere: [[http://fo.am/people/maja/|@ FoAM]], on [[https://deziluzija.tumblr.com/|tumblr]], [[https://www.flickr.com/photos/deziluzija|flickr]], [[https://independent.academia.edu/Maja_Kuzmanovic|Academia]], [[https://medium.com/@deziluzija|Medium]], [[https://twitter.com/deziluzija|twitter]] and [[https://www.facebook.com/maja.kuzmanovic.ka|facebook]].
---Franz Anton Mesmer 
-and those with the ether are filled with the substance even more fluid, substance that is characterized by holes, like the body defined with them. holes within the holes are forming this body and inside of it there is a constant, endless movement, motion that never stops; like everything in the life. 
---Plavec Ivana 
  • maja_kuzmanovic.1181671446.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016-08-09 14:46
  • (external edit)