Edit this pageOld revisionsBacklinksBack to top Table of Contents Working notes Future Preparedness and prehersals Control of the Commons Débrouillardise et Coquetterie Unmanned Resilience Peregrini Misc Working notes Here you will find the collected links to the raw notes, ideas and inspiration that went into the Resilients project. Future Preparedness and prehersals Future preparedness in practice Future preparedness Future preparedness notes Scenario planning Scenario planning workshop notes Summary of Future Preparedness in Dutch Open foresight The Flotilla Flotilla debrief Flotilla shiplog Flotilla survival guide Incubator for successful individuals and artists Weekend Superheroes Naikan Transgenerational Residency Control of the Commons Control of the Commons working notes Subak construction notes Subak2 construction notes Non green gardening notes Débrouillardise et Coquetterie Débrouillardise et Coquetterie Contacted archive centers for resilient wwii textiles Sidenotes for the Débrouillardise et Coquetterie project Some notes on my way of hybridizing ethnography with the ethics of textile conservation From the perspective of clothing as a resistance strategy Interview with Jeanne and Jacoba from Pachéco Interview with Jeanne from Molenbeek Interview with Therese from Uccle Unmanned Resilience SINUNI SINUNI workshop How to eat wild Unmanned Resilience notes Mobile ecology data entry and recording observations Jesusautobot Peregrini Saints and venerative places workshop The Peregrini Misc Documentation and dissemination notes for the Resilients project as a whole Disaster studies Resilience Fragility and Antifragility Guild notes Taleb's rules Survivalist green Notes on the TV series The Colony Rt publication guidelines resilients/working_notes.txt Last modified: 2017-01-18 01:43by nik