What is an experiment? (some notes)
March 2015
Using the challenges/hypotheses developed in the second workshop as a starting point, the participants designed several experiments. The constraints are that the experiment should be implemented between March and July 2015 using the current resources of Marine CoLAB. The participants were free to structure their own design sessions as they see fit. GROWTH cards were offered on the tables as a way to guide the conversations from goal to outcome.
Details of each experiment can be found on the following pages;
May 2015
Several new topics for experiments were propoposed during the third workshop, two of which were selected by the group.
Two experiments from the March workshop that continue to be developed:
- (Online) Game On!
- FLAG: TEP & NEF collaboration (related to Gone Fishing and Charm Offensive experiments):
- Workshops to influence fishermen to diversify from trawling to static gear (in the Thames), planned for June
- Meet a marine conservationist / Meet a fisherman (getting marine NGO staff closer to fishermen’s reality and vice verse)
- Other ideas: 'Blue Gym’, Co-management, local solutions/ 2 voices, Electric fishing
Further ideas for experiments:
- Existing NEF work: diverting public funds (ie EMFF) to right things; positive reallocation of capital to ocean S.D., New economic models (unreadable)
- Making the marine economic case transparent (e.g. Blue Growth)
- Proposed issues for tackling systems change: sea bed mining, aquaculture…
- How to replicate solutions? For example "It’s happening": “collecting signs of the shift to a low carbon world: find your favourite and shout it from the rooftops” #itshappening
- The role of conservation champions/local leaders
- Non-usual partners to motivate and demo solutions (e.g. livelihood diversification w/BD unreadable)
- Changing the natural unreadable (on energy/oceans)
Proposed topics…

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