Gone Fishing (in the Thames)
(an experiment from the March workshop)
Hypothesis / Challenge
Changing perceptions of marine conservation (NGOs)
Experiment design
Thames Fishing Solutions, Experiment 1 to change perceptions of marine conservation (NGOs).
See also: charm offensive experiment and valuing what matters experiment
A case study to test changing perceptions of marine conservation is the North Thames FLAG development for sustainable fisheries. The experiment would include solutions driven discussions (workshops) looking at alternative economies and opportunities. The question is can we collectively gain agreement of [fishing trawlers?] to downsize and use sustainable fishing [gear?], by co-creating a new narrative to achieve sustainability?
The experiment involves hosting workshops with fishermen and their communities to design alternative scenarios. Showing by doing, breaking down barriers. The workshop would be designed by Marine CoLAB, where everyone is invited to collate approaches, knowledge, evidence and case studies.

- Identifying a UK fishing community that has already done it
- setup a workshop with fisheries and invite the above group
- scenario workshopping outcomes for the whole community → they develop sceanrios (with facilitation advice from FoAM)
- informed choice software to prepare the participants ahead of the workshop (multi-criteria analysis)
- social networking to build trust
- Good facilitators
- Research time
- Economic expertise
- Community opinion leaders
- party/event organiser
- Nic: FF’s experience at engaging communities/fishers; inputs to workshop; connections and networks of others working on the issue; possibility of peer exchange
- Giles: Facilitation
- MVL: Access to scientific experts if useful; case study feeding [xxxx] (Bloomberg)
- Sue: developing, monitoring and evaluation tools to measure impact; time and research
- Aniol: paella, economics [xxxx] connector [person?]
- Andrew F: health benefits of Natura 2000
- Andrew B.: Party, Valuing nature/health
- Louisa: venue, info blue week, with [xxx], share experiences of [xxx]
- Amy: taking the lead on 'gone fishing’; time, ideas, contacts for day out; time or sounding board for cultural